
Not only our customers are loyal to us for years and decades.

When the forest is right outside your office door, the air has never even heard of fine dust, and a flexible work schedule can be individually negotiated, it’s not unusual to work for the same company for 20 years or more.

You can’t get better work-life balance than that.

Landschaftsbild Sauerland
Stephan Clever, Geschäftsführer der WIRO Präzisions-Werkzeugbau GmbH

Cologne only a stone’s throw away.

You have to be a little crazy not to take your pregnant wife to the nearest hospital for the delivery of the baby, but to the first one beyond the city limits of Cologne. Just so Cologne is the official birthplace of the children. But it’s characters like these that make a family – and a family like WIRO. Stephan Clever has been with WIRO for 19 years and has been managing director since 2021. To this day, he drives 50 kilometers to and from work every day. “WIRO is my second family, my second home, and just like in a real family, it never gets boring here, there is always something to do, new projects, new ideas, you lend a hand everywhere, as a matter of course – even as managing director. This is certainly one of the reasons why WIRO manages to find the very best solutions for a customer time and time again as a team. ‘A WIRO mold is your solution,’ is what I always say. ‘Unique as your problem, your product, your challenge to us’”.

Stephan Clever, Managing Director

Martin Klein, Geschäftsführer der WIRO Präzisions-Werkzeugbau GmbH

WIRO forever.

Martin Klein was born a short hop away from Olpe, went to school and joined WIRO in 2004 as an apprentice precision mechanic. And stayed. A few years in the workshop, a few years in design, then as head of the milling technology department in production, and back again in design responsible for the digitization of the department. In addition to his main job, taking continuous training and getting a degree through distance learning. He has been managing director since 2021. “I never wanted to leave here – not from my home, not from the WIRO family business. I wanted to make my way within the company and all doors were always wide open for that. Of course, ‘no pain, no gain’ also applies to us, but: if you want to, you can.”

Martin Klein, Managing Director

“I liked the diversity and variety right from the start. You can work at WIRO all your life and it never gets boring, you can change departments, get further qualifications, come back after maternity part-time. Almost anything is possible, and that's what makes us so happy and creates a special work environment.”
Annette Stahlhacke, technical draftswoman, with WIRO for almost 30 years.
“Working independently combined with working in a team is what’s great about WIRO. Everyone is appreciated here – as a person and for their skills. The interaction with colleagues is great!”
Andre Koch, mold maker, with WIRO for 14 years

In the Sauerland we don’t talk much. At least not when it’s unnecessary. We prefer doing things. What we do speaks for itself anyway. And for us.

That’s why we focus less on applicants’ degrees or certificates than on what they can do and bring to the table in terms of personality. How they tackle things and work as part of a team. A journeyman’s certificate can be just as valuable as a university degree.

That’s why career changers are also absolutely welcome at WIRO – a trained carpenter can become an excellent machine operator if he or she is interested in steel and its processing. Also, background and origin do not play a role at our company.

We look forward to receiving your application!

“Go to WIRO, you’ll learn something there!”

We are a classic craft business. And a craft needs to be learned. That’s why WIRO has been training its own people from the very start.

Auszubildender bei WIRO
Apply now for the next apprenticeship year!

WIRO Präzisions-Werkzeugbau GmbH

Sassmicker Hammer 41
D-57462 Olpe

Telefon: +49 2761 3003
Telefax: +49 2761 3005